April is also the month to recognize and honor Occupational Therapists! Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy are the carrots and peas of the therapy world. OK – Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy might be more like the carrots and peas, however OT and Speech are a close second.
OT provides therapeutic intervention for a plethora of needs children with speech-language deficits may encounter. From sensory to visual motor to social needs to strength to feeding to many many more, our fellow therapists work to make the lives of their clients as independent and fulfilling as possible. Speech therapists appreciate and NEED the input of Occupational therapists to develop therapeutic intervention that address the WHOLE child.
We at Lakeshore Speech would like to give a standing ovation to Occupational Therapists! If you would like more information on Occupational therapy, please feel free to inquire of your Speech Therapist as well as The Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
Yours in Speech,
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.