Following Your Schedule: How to get Back on Track

note book with daily routine

Holidays can be a time when the normal routine is disrupted. It’s time to get back on track and follow your daily routine.

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How to Get a Playground Communication Board for Your Local Playground

Playground communication board installed in city playground

Imagine this: the sun shining, laughter echoing, and kids of all abilities playing together on the playground. Wouldn’t that be incredible? YOU can make this happen! Introducing a special communication board to your community playground, ensures that every child, regardless of their communication abilities, can join in the fun.

**Why a Playground Communication Board?**

Some of our friends need a little extra help talking. A communication board on the playground opens up a world of play and connection for everyone. It’s not just a board; it’s a bridge that connects hearts and creates lasting friendships.

**How Can You Help?**

We believe in the power of community! By making a commitment to provide a playground communication board to your local playground, you become a superhero in making the playground inclusive and accessible for all. Here are 5 easy steps for how you can be a part of this exciting journey:

  1. **Make a plan:**

Ask yourself (and your committee) these questions as this project takes shape:

    • What playground would benefit from communication boards?
    • What languages are predominantly spoken in your community?
    • How would the communication boards best be installed (ie: free standing in a frame, attached to a fence, attached to a piece of equipment, secured to a side of a building, etc.)
  1. **Research Your Options**

When looking for a company to provide the communication signs, you want to ask the following questions:

    • Has a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist developed the vocabulary?
    • Can the communication sign be 100% customized if need be at a reasonable price?
    • Is the overall price reasonable?
    • Is communication with a REAL PERSON easy, efficient and effective?
    • Does the company stand behind the quality of their communication signs?
  1. **Find Funding Sources**

 Everyone likes to be part of a great idea that helps everyone in the community. 

    • Research different funding opportunities in your community.  
    • Get creative and host a mini-fundraiser in your neighborhood, school, or workplace. Bake sales, garage sales, or even a fun-themed event can make a big impact.
    • Reach Out to Local Businesses – local businesses love supporting community projects. Approach them and see if they would be interested in sponsoring our playground communication board. 
  1. **Making it all come together**

Once your vision is set, you’ve made your selection and the funding is in place, it is important that the production of the communication sign is fast and accurate:

    • Ensure you receive a draft copy of the artwork/layout prior to production.
    • Share your agency’s and/or funding source’s logo to be included on the communication sign
    • Expect frequent and clear communication
  1. **Celebrate**

When your playground communication board arrives, plan for a playground part to unveil this great accomplishment. Celebrate the fact that you have made a firm statement in your community that: 

    • Inclusivity Matters:  Every child deserves the chance to play and communicate on the playground.
    • Building Friendships is Important:  The communication board isn’t just a tool; it’s a bridge to new friendships and shared adventures.
    • Community Unity Matters: Together, you helped to create a community that embraces and supports every child’s unique abilities.

Bonus tip: 

**Stay Connected:**

Record your journey on social media with regular updates, stories of triumph, and a behind-the-scenes look at how your contributions are making a real difference. 

Join us in creating a playground that speaks the language of joy, friendship, and inclusivity. Together, we’re building bridges that last a lifetime! 

playground with communication board
Communication Board mounted on chiain ink fence
children using a playground communication sign
Installed playground communication board in Randolph Oh

How to Prepare for Gift Giving and Receiving

Getting and giving gifts can be exciting but hard for some individuals. Preparing for this time of the year helps to make everyone’s celebration special.

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The Power of Playground Communication Boards

children using a playground communication sign

Discover the significance of AAC Awareness Month in October and explore the transformative power of playground communication boards. In this insightful article, we delve into the world of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), shedding light on its importance for individuals with communication challenges. Learn how playground communication boards foster inclusivity, encourage social interaction, and promote language development among children, all while making outdoor play areas accessible to everyone. Join us in celebrating AAC Awareness Month and discover how these communication tools create opportunities for communication, empathy, and connection. Explore the ways you can support AAC initiatives and make a difference in the lives of those who rely on AAC, both on the playground and beyond. #AACAwarenessMonth #PlaygroundCommunication #Inclusivity #AACSupport

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Learning to be Social

The calendar doesn’t lie.  How is it we are only 10 days away from Valentine’s Day!? With all the attention on sharing love and kindness on that day (as well as every day), we need to take a moment to pause and take into account the skills that bring people closer are really hard to learn.

Some loved ones pick up on social cues and nuances without issue and others require a very clear explanation.  As parents, taking the time to frame acceptable and unacceptable  behaviors for your family’s values is crucial.  Society dictates a number of ‘unwritten’ rules, which makes learning these skills even more difficult for some. Providing a safe environment to discuss and process these ‘unwritten’ rules is important at every age of development. The American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) provide a nice resource for families focused on this area of speech and language.

Your friendly speech-language pathologist would be happy to help you and your family with any questions or concerns you may have related to social communication, social skills, or social pragmatics.  Please feel free to give Kelly a call at 440-471-7190 to set up an appointment.

Yours in Speech,
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.


Hope in the New Year

Happy New Year!  It’s a new decade filled with hope! Hope for a year filled with much health and happiness! Hope that the closets will organize themselves!  Hope that somehow, someway tiny building blocks will no longer find themselves in the path of an adult walking barefoot. Hope that dinner will be made and eaten without issue.  Hope, hope, hope! 

Hope is what keeps us all moving forward.  Setting goals or evening having ideas of what hope can bring to the New Year is expected at this time of year; so long as this hope isn’t a disguise for bringing the feeling of failure to the New Year as well. 

Sessions with a Speech-Language Pathologist is filled with the promise of hope and belief in your loved one.  Your therapist believes in your loved one and his/her language potential all the while continually promoting your good work at home and navigating the developmental process to guide you all towards mastery and success.  Walking out of a therapy session, you and your loved one should have a renewed feeling of strength to continue working on the specific skills, techniques, etc. until you see your therapist again. 

Cheers to the New Year filled with much hope, happiness and health!

Yours in Speech, 
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC

Sensory Sensitive Holiday Fun!

December has arrived and as with every year, it seems as if the calendar speeds up during this festive time.  Packing in all the shopping, decorating and taking in the holiday fun can seem overwhelming. The elves at Lakeshore Speech Therapy took a little time to compile a one stop list of events in the Northeast Ohio area that are sensory friendly.   These events are not only sensitive to the amount of unnecessary smells, sounds and sights, but often the pace of the event is slowed as well as those ‘working’ the event have been given some information on how to best engage with individuals with special needs.

We hope you are able to take a few moments and enjoy these events with your loved ones. 

Yours in Speech, 
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC

Revving up the holiday season!

The holiday season is revving up to get ready to roll.  While we acknowledge there are significant stressors for you and your loved ones at this time of year, we could also consider the stress and comfort of extended families and friends. It is not your job to do everyone else’s job, however, taking a few moments to realize the impact you and your loved ones have on others could make family and friend gatherings more enjoyable for everyone. 

Providing information about characteristics that are unique to your loved one, may create a more tolerant and understanding environment.  A simple phone call, text or email to the host or hostess the explain those ‘quirks’ that you and your immediate family may not even notice.  For example, let the homeowner know if your loved one needs to see all the bathrooms upon entering a new location or if your loved one may go around the home and close all the doors.  

Help your extended family and friends better understand your loved one’s form of communication.  Share his/her successes and any ‘triggers’ that may exist (ie: asking more than 3 times to clarify a phrase or word).  Provide a few simple tips for the best way to engage your loved one (ie: asking yes/no questions or asking questions about the here/now vs past/ future).

Anticipate situations that may prove to be very stressful not only for you and your loved one, but the host/hostess.  Communicate that you may be bringing a different meal for your loved one to enjoy vs eating the traditional meal. Share that your loved one may take a ‘break’ during the meal and what that can be expected (ie: your loved one may need to take a  break in a room where you can guide your loved one to quiet area).

Open and host communication and preparation can create a setting where everyone enjoys their time together creating memories!

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Therapy Speech, LLC. 

Making a Self-Care Plan

All of the clocks have finally all been changed  (except for one, there is always ONE clock in the house that just never quite makes the cut and is never changed), the Halloween decorations have been put away and what is that sound? Silence. The calm before the Holiday Season frenzy.

Take a few seconds of this ‘down time’ to focus on realizing the importance of self-care.  Parents and caregivers of individuals with special needs typically do not stop to worry about themselves. Not only is this pattern unfair to your loved ones, but more importantly, it is not fair to Y.O.U.

Consider the five minutes it takes you to read this blog post as the start of your self-care routine.  Consider taking this time to make a plan for yourself. Give yourself the opportunity to refill your tank so you can cruise into the Holiday Season ready and rejuvenated.  

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC

A Candy Plan!

Orange plastic pumpkin basket spilled over with candy pouring out

You’ve planned the costume, you’ve walked the route, you’ve practiced knocking on doors… a few more thoughts to help make your family’s trick or treat evening sweet.  

What will you do with all that candy?  Once your loved one sees her/his bounty of sweetness, she/he may not want to part with a single piece. Create a plan and share that plan well before that candy is in your house.

Will your family spend the last minutes of Halloween counting and sorting candy?  Will there be a huge candy trading event in the middle of your living room? Providing a plan for the evening can make a difference in ending the evening on a sweet note. 

Create a ‘buy back’ program if you would prefer your loved ones not have free access to that much candy.  Make your program work in a way in which your loved one will receive a certain number of dollars, stars, tokens, etc. when they ‘trade in’ a certain number of pieces of candy.  Check with your dentist to see if they are offering a buy back program. 

Create a ‘decorate a gingerbread house’ program.  Decorate a box with pictures of gingerbread houses.  Put candy that could be used to decorate a gingerbread house in the box.  You now have everything you need to decorate your holiday gingerbread house. 

Create a ‘week long candy plan’.  Divide a shoe box into 7 sections. Place one or two pieces of candy in each section.  Give your loved one the opportunity to choose the candy in one section every day. 

Whatever your plan, share it with your loved ones well before the candy starts pouring in the house.  Make it very clear where the candy will be stored and what the plan will be once it is collected. It may feel like you’re taking the fun out of the candy collection, rather you are providing the framework for a fun and enjoyable evening from start to finish!

Yours in Speech, 
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.