How to Communicate When Your Conversation Partner Uses a Communication Board

Therapist modeling how to use a playground communication board to student.

Effective communication is essential for connecting with others, sharing ideas, and building relationships. For individuals using speech-generated devices (SGDs) or communication boards, interaction can be a bit different.

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Revealing The Impact Of Communication Boards In Lowell, MA

communication board

July marks Parks and Recreation Month, a time to  celebrate the vibrant public spaces. We turn our focus on  Lowell, Massachusetts, where an innovative approach to inclusivity has made a significant positive impact on the community.

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How To Create Genuine Connections:Powerful Impact of Communication Boards

young man with cochlear implant pointing to a message on a playground communication board.

Playground communication boards have emerged as a powerful solution to bridge the gap and facilitate meaningful relationships, especially for individuals with communication challenges.

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How to Fund Playground Communication Boards

picture of money on table

Communication boards are important for people with communication differences. Communication boards give people a voice to build relationships. Getting a playground or pool communication board can be more difficult because of the cost. Today’s blog will look at the different ways to get funding for communication boards.

Grants and Foundations

Some groups give money to projects that help people with disabilities. Look for grants from groups that help provide communication devices for people. Apply for these grants to get money for communication boards.

Corporate Sponsorship

Ask local businesses for help. Some companies like to support projects in their community. Make a plan that shows how playground communication boards can make a big difference. This might get businesses to give money to your project.

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Use websites like Kickstarter or GoFundMe to ask for small amounts of money from many people. Share stories about why playground/pool communication boards are important. Your friends and others might give money to help out.

Community Events and Fundraisers

Do things in your town to get people excited about helping. Maybe have a walk or a fun run to get money. Work with local schools and businesses to make events that bring in money for playground communication boards.

Government Grants and Programs

Sometimes, the government gives money for projects that help people with disabilities. Look into these grants and ask for help. Tell them how playground communication boards can make a positive change.

Partnerships with Educational Institutions

Work with schools and colleges that have programs for special education. They might help with resources and money. Partnering with them can make it easier to get playground communication boards.


Getting money for playground communication boards may require you to try different ways to find funding, but you can make it happen. By using these ideas, you can get the help to change the lives of many. As more people understand why playground/pool communication boards matter, it will be easier to get support and provide everyone a voice.

funding ideas for communication boards
funding ideas of communication boards