December has arrived and as with every year, it seems as if the calendar speeds up during this festive time. Packing in all the shopping, decorating and taking in the holiday fun can seem overwhelming. The elves at Lakeshore Speech Therapy took a little time to compile a one stop list of events in the Northeast Ohio area that are sensory friendly. These events are not only sensitive to the amount of unnecessary smells, sounds and sights, but often the pace of the event is slowed as well as those ‘working’ the event have been given some information on how to best engage with individuals with special needs.
- Sensory Friendly “Carol” by Great Lakes Theatre
- Krafts with Mrs. Clause
- Sensory Friendly Santa
- Children’s Museum of Cleveland – December
- Santa Cares
- Westlake Porter Library
- Lakewood Public Library
- Cleveland Public Library
- Cuyahoga Library
- AMC Movie Theater Sensory Friendly Movies
- SkyZone – Sensory Hours
- Kringle’s Inventionasium (While there is not a specific a specific sensory friendly event, when given advanced notice, the website indicates accommodations can be made.)
We hope you are able to take a few moments and enjoy these events with your loved ones.
Yours in Speech,
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC