Sit down, Stay a while!

Summer not only is a time to travel, but a time when others may be traveling and staying with you!  While these visits are important and eagerly anticipated, having Gramma and Papa or Auntie and Uncle staying in with you can really create situations where you and your child may not be at your best.

For some children, upsetting the routine at home can create a rather unsettling feeling that may last for the day, the week, or the month.  Children may ‘express’ these feelings verbally, vocally or physically. Working through daily meltdowns is not a vacation for anyone – parent or visitor.

Proactively planning for visitors, no matter the length of the visit, should not only include cleaning and food prep, but working with your child AND your visitors so everyone can enjoy the time together.

Location….. If you child will be sacrificing their bedroom to Gramma and Papa or Auntie and Uncle you may want to :

  • Weeks ahead of the visit warning your child verbally of the change
  • Having a ‘pretend’ visitor (a nice use of that entirely too large of a stuffed animal living in your attic) stay in your child’s room; giving them the opportunity to sleep in the location they will be sleeping in when the ‘real’ visitor is in town.
  • Have your child help in preparing their room for the visitor
    • let them pick out the color sheets that will be on the bed
    • Make a ‘game’ of hiding toys/games, etc.

Routine…. Without a doubt your child’s routine is going to be ‘off’ while there are visitors in your home.  You may want to consider:

  • Getting the daily routine down on paper (use pictures, words, etc)
  • Reach out to your visitors and share the ‘typical’ daily routine and explain to them the importance of them understanding the routine, not that they will need to follow it minute to minute, but to realize how or why your child might be acting differently (ie: Typically after lunch, your child has rest time, however while visitors are in town, he/she may not get rest time until later in the day – this change MAY result in a meltdown.)
  • Practice changing up the daily routine weeks prior to the visitors arriving.
  • Give ample time for your child to process the ‘change in routine’ (some children will require a warning days prior to a major changes, others manage the change given a moments notice).

Have a Plan…. Life is life, so anticipate there will be a time and place while your visitors are in town when everything is going along well and BOOM your child unexpectedly melts down. You may want to consider:

  • Having an “emergency melt-down kit” at the ready.  A small bag that contains a favorite snack, fidget toys, favorite smells (ie: cinnamon candy, cotton ball with your perfume/colgan, etc), a ‘lovey’ or stuffed animal), etc.  
  • A playlist on a device (probably your phone) with favorite or soothing music
  • Willingness to leave a location until your child is feeling better (ie: go to the restroom, go outside, take a walk away from the area)
  • Talk less, act more – less is more in these instances. When your child is experiencing difficulty managing, having everyone talking to them could actually increase the confusion and escalate the melt-down. Stay calm, talk less, and move quickly to enact the plan may result in a shorter less dramatic event.
  • Let EVERYONE know the plan.  If you do not want or need help to execute the plan – LET EVERYONE KNOW.  Your visitors, while meaning well, may try to help and in doing so create a larger issue.

Enjoy your time together and create memories that last a lifetime!

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech

“Are we there yet?”

While Cleveland is a ‘go to’ destination for many people during the Summer months, you may be leaving for a get away of your own.  Whether basking in the sun, sleeping under the stars or reading every historical marker/plaque across the country is your idea of a vacation, it’s easy to weave in a few moments of language enrichment or practice.

Enjoying time with family and friends does not necessarily mean you can’t work on your speech-language skills.  If your child is working on articulation, listen for correct production of sounds and use reminders to help correct errors.  If your child is working on language, use these games to practice vocabulary. If your child is working on following directions, these games are perfect for working on those skills (not to mention passing time in what can feel like and endless car ride!).

I Spy…“I spy with my little eye, something blue.” Directions: One person spies something and recites the line, ending in a clue. Everyone else takes turns trying to guess the mystery item.

I’m Going on a Picnic/Trip/Space Adventure….. Directions: The first player says “I’m going on a picnic/trip/space adventure (or whatever interests your child)  and I’m putting in my suitcase…” followed by something that begins with A (apple/air/ape). The second player repeats what the first person said, but adds something that begins with B (“I’m going on a trip and I’m putting in my suitcase and apple and bermuda shorts.”). And so on with C, D, and the rest of the alphabet. If someone forgets an item, he/she is out OR you can allow everyone to chime in to help OR the next person just starts over with A.

Add-on Storytelling…..One person starts a story with only one or two sentences and stops in the middle of the next sentence (“Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess.  The princess lived in a huge…..”). The next person starts their story where the previous person left off (“igloo on a mountain. The princess has long brown hair and her eyes were …..”) You cannot negate or poo-poo another’s idea, you can only build on the story (“on the top of her head.  She was a martian princess from the land of ….”)The stories are sure to start get everyone giggling. An adaptation to this game could be an adult tells the full story and the children add the descriptors/objects/verbs when the adult pauses.

20 Questions …… Directions: One person thinks of something (you may want to determine a category or area to narrow the choices for beginners), and everyone else has only 20 YES/NO questions to ask to try to guess what it is. If someone guesses correctly before the 20th question, that person get to think of an item and ANSWER the yes/no questions. If no one figures it out, the person answering gets to go again.

Category Naming Game…. Directions: The ‘announcer’ (typically a parent) sets a time limit (ie: 60 seconds), that person announces “Name all the pick a category you can think of starting NOW!” The player starts naming all the items in that category.  If the player names an incorrect item, the announcer starts counting down from 10, if the player cannot come up a correct item in the category by the time the announcer gets to 1, it’s the next players turn.

Safe Travels!

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech

FREE in the CLE!!!

Free!  That’s correct….FREE!!!! Finding fun and FREE ‘field trips’ for you and your family!  Check out these resources to find a different museum or playground. Let’s not forget local theaters providing free movies or our amazing libraries providing incredible free programs for young and old.  These ‘field trips’ are a great way to introduce new vocabulary, interact with others, practice speech-language skills, and most importantly, spend time TOGETHER! Unplug for a few moments, call a friend or family member, pack a lunch and spend some time exploring all the Cleveland Area has to offer.  

While this may sound like a travel ad, language is built around the events one experiences.  Practicing going out in public places and building on those experiences are a amazing way to build those shared memories and language base. AND because admission is FREE, visiting some of these places is a great way to build up the time for which your child can tolerate a location.  Let’s take the Mondays at the Zoo: Since admission is free, plan on seeing only 1-2 animals, having lunch or a snack and then leave.  The next Monday, plan on visiting the same 1-2 animals and add 1-2 more, have lunch/snack and leave. Repeat.

It’s Fun and It’s Free!  Enjoy your time together! Don’t forget to share with your SLP where you will or did visit.  She or he can easily weave the vocabulary into therapy and/or preview what may occur, vocabulary, etc. Most of all……..have FUN!!!!!

Links for suggestions of FREE events:

Free in the CLE

Cuyahoga Library System

Cleveland Library System

Westlake Porter Public Library

Lakewood Public Library

Rocky River Public Library

Avon Lake Public Library

Summer Movie Express ($1/movie)

Free Outdoor Movies

Free for young and young at heart

15 Free things to do with Kids


Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy

Summer is HERE!!!

School’s OUT …….Summer’s HERE……and within two  seconds, the kids are bored! Nothing says Summer like the sweets sounds of “There’s nothing to do” and “I’m bored” seeming on loop from most children’s mouths.  AND if they are not outright saying it, you know they are thinking it by the glazed look in their eyes when they are offered a suggestion of how to fill the ‘endless’ hours of a day.  

Believe it or not, most children crave schedules and structure.  Seems completely against all that the lazy days of Summer imply, but on the whole, children (and most adults) are more productive and have fewer meltdowns when a schedule is in place.  I have no empirical data to offer on the previous statement, just years of experience at home, in school and in the clinic watching the change in those around when even the simplest schedule is laid out.

Toddlers to Teens to Twenties and older benefit from knowing what’s happening, what is expected and how long it will last. This is not to say every minute of every day of every activity needs to be spelled out, but here are 2 techniques that might be worth a try in mapping out the days of Summer.

The Verbal Set-up: Simple, easy and always with you.  This schedule techniques is used by millions, yet has never been given the credence  it deserves. At breakfast (no tv on, no digital devices, just their little eyes focused on Y.O.U), lay out how the day is going to roll. Chunk the day up because that’s a lot to think about and chances are you will not have had all the necessary cups of coffee yet for maximum functioning ability!

“Good morning, here’s our morning: We are going to finish breakfast. Then change – don’t forget to brush your teeth. We have 2  places we need to go to – the store and the library. First we’re headed to the library – this will be a SHORT visit. We need to run in and get the books I have on hold.  We will not be going to the children’s section, THIS TIME. I will need someone to help carry my library card going in and someone to carry the books – volunteers? Then we are headed to the grocery store.  I will have a list of what we need. This isn’t a LONG visit, we should be able to get what we need and get out quickly. I will need help finding some of the stuff and I know I can count on you all. After the grocery store, we are coming right home.  We will all put the groceries away. Once the groceries are put away you can go outside (or play or whatever they can do at that time).

Pictures Speak Louder than Words: A little more involved, but might be just what is needed. You know the type of pictures your child tunes into most (photos, your artistic renderings, clipart, etc.).  Spend some time gathering these pictures (ie: get the old 35mm camera out use your phone and take pictures of your car, the stores/locations you visit most), print and laminate (easiests cheapest lamination is clear contact paper or packing tape). Start the same way as the ‘Verbal Set-up’, in a calm undistracted situation (typically when eating 😉) and lay out the schedule, again chunking it.

“Good morning, here’s our morning: We are going to finish breakfast. [photo of empty plate (can stand for finishing any meal)] Then change – don’t forget to brush your teeth. [photo of closet or draw with clothes (can stand for change clothes anytime)] We have 2  places we need to go to – the store and the library. [photo of car and specific buildings]. First we’re headed to the library – this will be a SHORT visit.  We need to run in and get the books I have on hold. We will not be going to the children’s section, THIS TIME. I will need someone to help carry my library card going in and someone to carry the books – volunteers? Then we are headed to the grocery store.  I will have a list of what we need. This isn’t a LONG visit, we should be able to get what we need and get out quick. I will need help finding some of the stuff and I know I can count on you all. After the grocery store, we are coming right home. [photo of home] We will all put the groceries away.  Once the groceries are put away you can go outside (or play or whatever they can do at that time). [photo of playroom/outside, etc.].

If you would like more information or need help in getting started using these techniques, ask your Speech Therapist.  If you don’t have one to ask, give Kelly a call at Lakeshore Speech (1-440-471-7190).

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy

Better Speech and Hearing Month!!!

Better Speech and Hearing Month reminds us all to celebrate the importance of good speech and hearing, but celebrating the dedicated professionals that change lives by improving speech and hearing is equally as important.  This week we give a nod to the creativity and fortitude of the SLPs at Lakeshore Speech in paying for their college degrees.

While delivering phone books (remember those?) ranks on Ellen’s resume of jobs , her main form of employment was playing volleyball!  Her athletic abilities really paid off as she also was a waitress at the Flat Iron Cafe. Hard work pays off on the court and off!

VernaAnn’s college work resume includes working at her family’s music stores, serving as a security guard for her college’s hockey team (all 5’2” of her), and resident adviser.  Oh, yea, there was that stint at the Hallmark Store where she dressed as the Easter Bunny…..’What’s up, Doc?’

Elizabeth’s jobs have always involved working with children. As a  babysitter, camp counselor, lifeguard, and swim instructor Elizabeth is dedicated to creating a better world for the wee-ones.

While not the ideal job for someone that promotes talking, Mary shelved books at the library to pay the bills.  She also served food at the University’s cafeteria and was a waitress.  Then there was that job when she worked at the  concession stands at dragways….ask her more about that job!

Ellery’s lovely smile could be found working in a golf pro shop at a country club when she knew little to nothing about golf. She also transcribed parent interviews for a professor completing a on a study about childhood obesity.  

Gina’s resume includes caring for individuals with Autism  as a day camp counselor. She also worked as a waitress and a college dining hall employee!

To pay the college bills, Wendi worked as a convenience store clerk.  She also worked as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant.

When one steps back and looks at the common thread of all these jobs, one word comes to mind – SERVICE.  These incredible women worked to serve others to help pay the bills that eventually led to their true passion of serving those with speech-language and hearing needs.  

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy

The Month of Better Speech and Hearing – May!

In our continued tribute to Better Speech and Hearing Month, it seems only fitting to recognize that Speech-Language Therapists are masters at being flexible in designing individual services for their clients as well as the location for which these services are delivered.  

Ellen’s flexibility was outstanding when she delivered speech services in her client’s home…….which was residence to more than 25 cats…. all of which were “Range Free”. Being ‘range free’ means no rules or expectations. Let that sink in for a moment, you know it did….straight through the carpeting! It’s safe to say, Ellen’s been the cat’s meow for quite some time!

Early in VernaAnn’s career, she would travel to 8 different Amish farms in Lancaster, PA.  Be it that she was ‘English’ these Amish families would not allow her in their homes to deliver speech-language services to their children.  This did not deter VernaAnn from traveling to these farms every week, where she delivered services on the front porches from August to November!!!  Eventually, VernaAnn gained the trust of these families and was welcomed her into their community…. and homes for therapy!

Elizabeth hasn’t had the experience of delivering speech services in a strange place where I worked, however her first job was in a very diverse school in Chicago.  She had a group of 3 boys that focused on social skills. While this seems like a pretty normal occurence for a school speech therapist, the fact that the boys’ native languages were Urdu, Bengali, and Polish made service delivery a little different.  Something is to be said for the universal language of charades!

One would not think that the great outdoors and Speech Therapy are a mix. Gina, however is an expert in this combination.   One summer she would provide therapy services a girl while she was at a day camp in the MetroParks. There was nowhere to sit, so we walked a little way to a picnic table in the middle of a very woodsy area. Suffice it  to say mosquitoes, bees, 90 degree weather, and speech therapy do not mix!

In Mary’s experience-rich career, she has delivered services in a myriad of locations.  None of which are the ideal location you read about in the college textbooks. Mary has delivered speech services under a stairway – no distraction there; in the basement of a century old building next to the boiler – so quiet and acoustically perfect (NOT!); in a parking lot – not that’s what you call fast service; on-line – because, technology  and of course the proverbial “speech closet – which is the smallest place in a school where everyone who enters describes it as ‘cozy’. Rest assured in a shoe box or the Taj Mah Hall Mary’s speech services were delivered with the utmost quality!

Have wheels, will travel!  Speech-therapy knows no vacation.  Ellery has delivered speech services on the open road.  Actually, in the backseat of a 12 hour ride to North Carolina.  You might consider bringing your speech-therapist on vacation, we are pretty sure that being the Aunt of this adorable client might have had a little something to do with Ellery’s dedication.  

Wendi has experienced the ups and downs of delivering speech services…..on a trampoline of course!  Co-treating with a Physical Therapist resulted Wendi’s need for some creative therapy techniques. Wendi gave new meaning to bouncing right along!

No weather or location or animal or language can keep these dedicated women from doing their jobs… delivering amazing speech-language therapy services!

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month!

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month.   It’s the time of the year when we in the field like to increase awareness of communication disorders and the role your friendly Speech Therapist or Audiologist plays in providing life changing therapies.  While May is a great time to better understand the field of speech-language pathology and audiology, it also provides us opportunity for us at Lakeshore Speech Therapy to share a little bit more about ourselves.

The team at Lakeshore represents a total of over 100 years of experience in the delivery of speech-language therapeutic intervention.  100 years!!!! Individually this outstanding team is dedicated to improving communication for young and old. But where did they get their start? Where did they begin as college freshman and end as professionals with a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology? Let’s find out:

Ellen Spear holds her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Marquette University!   Goooooo Golden Eagles!

VernaAnn Kotansky received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the State of University of New York at Geneseo. Gooooooo Knights!

Elizabeth Lazowski received her Master’s degree from  Northwestern University and is a proud Wildcat!

Ellery Martinko is a proud Viking, graduating from Cleveland State University with her Master’s degree.

Mary Yutzy proudly received her Master’s degree from the University of Akron.  Way to go Zips!

Gina Perciavelli  graduated with her Master’s from Ohio University.  Bobcat’s in the house!

Wendi Willmer graduated with her Master’s from Kent State University.  Golden Flashes all the way!

From Eagles to Knights, Wildcats to Vikings, Zips to Bobcats and Flashes, Lakeshore therapists represent their colleges well!

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech

Hand in Hand – Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy

April is also the month to recognize and honor Occupational Therapists!  Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy are the carrots and peas of the therapy world.  OK – Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy might be more like the carrots and peas, however OT and Speech are a close second.

OT provides therapeutic intervention for a plethora of needs children with speech-language deficits may encounter.   From sensory to visual motor to social needs to strength to feeding to many many more, our fellow therapists work to make the lives of their clients as independent and fulfilling as possible.  Speech therapists appreciate and NEED the input of Occupational therapists to develop therapeutic intervention that address the WHOLE child.

We at Lakeshore Speech would like to give a standing ovation to Occupational Therapists!  If you would like more information on Occupational therapy, please feel free to inquire of your Speech Therapist as well as The Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.

Lakeshore Announces Summer Programs

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC is proud to announce our 2018 Summer Programs. While the brochure is available on our website, we wanted to take a few moments to dive deeper into explaining these great opportunities.

Speech Boot Camp – This camp is designed for children with apraxia, motor speech impairment or phonological disorders to provide intensive and individualized speech therapy over the course of 2 weeks.  This ‘camp’ is a one on one opportunity with Ellen Spear.  Each child would come for 30 minutes of intensive therapy hyper-focused on the child’s needs specific to speech production. Ellen will draw upon her expertise in this area as well as her certification in PROMPT.  This may be the opportunity your child needs to set into motion significant progress related to speech production.  June 18-21 and June 25-28. Space is limited. $60/session – this camp can be billed to insurance or paid privately.

Roller Coaster Makers Camp – designed for students entering the 9th – 12th grades who may struggle with social skills, making friends, and working in groups.  This camp will highlight a social skill per day and then incorporate that skill within the day’s construction of a roller coaster.  This camp will  combine STEM skills as well as social skills/executive functioning skills and will be led by VernaAnn Kotansky.  As a certified Assistive Technology Specialist and Speech therapist, VernaAnn will draw upon her love of science and technology to create an open and enriching experience for the teens in this camp.  Direction following will be a must as well as ability to work independently and demonstrate self-regulatory behaviors.  Every camper will take home a roller coaster, but not until the “Gallery of Roller Coasters” is shared with family and friends. June 19 – 22nd – 10am-12pm. $300. Space is limited to 6 students. Private pay only as this group is not a skilled service therefore we are unable to bill insurance.

Lakeshore Has Gone To The Dogs! A Reading Summer Camp – designed for students entering the 1st to 3rd grades – Lakeshore is proud and excited to introduce Stan the Therapy Dog and his amazing handler (and elementary school teacher with 20 years of experience) Patti Cramer. This program will run 3 sessions which will focus on practicing reading strategies to improve Accuracy, Fluency and Comprehension.  During each session: Day 1 :Reading Accuracy-assess and practice reading strategies to improve a reader’s accuracy; Day 2: Reading Fluency– Work on pacing, phrasing, punctuation and reading with expression; Day 3: Reading Comprehension– introduce and practice various strategies to improve reading comprehension. Students will read books at their independent level to accomplish these tasks. Students will have one on one time with Patti. They will also work together on these strategies and they will have the opportunity to read to Stan to show off their skills.  Session 1: June 11-13,  Session 2: June 18-20, Session 3: June 25-17  – 10:00-11:30am.  Space is limited to 4 students per session. Cost $250/session. All 3 sessions- $700.  Private pay only as this group is not a skilled service therefore we are unable to bill insurance.

Guided Makers Social Skills Camp – designed for students entering the 5th – 8th grades who struggle with social skills, making friends and working in groups.  STEM skills are every important in today’s world and this camp will begin to introduce those skills in combination with social skills. Social skills will be introduced daily and campers will practice these  social skills while making “STEM creations” and working in a group.  This camp will be led by VernaAnn Kotansky as well.  Campers will take home their creations.  The camp will culminate with a “Makers’ Gallery” for friends and family to enjoy all the creations! June 12 – 14th – 10am-12pm. $300. Space is limited to 6 students. Private pay only as this group is not a skilled service therefore we are unable to bill insurance.

Superflex: A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum – designed for students ages 8 – 11 years old.  Following the amazing adventures of Superflex, your campers will gain the Superhero skills to combat the likes of the horrible villains ‘Rock Brain’, ‘WasFunnyOnce’, and ‘Glassman’ to name a few. This class will be led by Ellen Spear.  Your child will be engaged in the world of Superflex while learning and practicing the ever important social skills.  Perfect timing for a refresher as they begin to prepare for the start of the 2018-19 school year!  August 6-9th – 3-4pm. $300. Space is limited to 6 students.  Private pay only as this group is not a skilled service therefore we are unable to bill insurance.

Registration deadline for all programs is May 25,  2018. Payment is due in full by the date of the first class for all programs.  There will be no refunds for missed sessions. We reserve the right to cancel and reschedule session days  at any time.  We accept cash, check and most major credit cards as payment. 

Upon registering, we will send you a packet of information that must be completely filled out and returned by June 6, 2018.

We reserve the right to cancel the class entirely should registration not meet minimum requirements.  All clients that did register will be notified at least three (3) days prior to the first class and refunds will be given at that time.

Register for all programs by calling (1-440-471-7901) or emailing Kelly ( at Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.

Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC



What are YOUR Summer plans?

Summer?  Here in NorthEast Ohio, snow is still flying …. the idea of Summer doesn’t seem like it will every be a reality!  Alas, we all know those Spring showers will bring those May flowers and Summer is but a few days away!  And so the age old question – to schedule the summer away or not? Everyone has on opinion on this topic.  Sign the kids up for camp after camp after camp so they don’t miss a thing.  Don’t sign the kids up for anything and let the lazy days of Summer lead the adventure. And with every opinion, there is child, parent, family that stands in the shadows waiting for the final answer.

So what is the right answer? That is an answer only YOU as your child’s caregiver can answer.  What is needed in the Summer months for one child may not be needed for another.  As a caregiver, you need to sit yourself down and really think about a few questions.  Answer them honestly and then act upon them and don’t look back.

Question #1: What does my son/daughter/child NEED during the Summer months?  Do they NEED the structure of a camp? Do they NEED a flexibility schedule? Do they NEED intensive therapeutic intervention or time with peers? Do they NEED a summer off?  What your child NEEDS vs what you WANT can really make a huge difference in the effectiveness of the Summer programming.

Question #2: How much TIME do you and your family have to devote to the Summer program? Look at that calendar – Summer FLIES by waaay to fast.  When do you plan on going on vacation?  When are you going to visit Grandma and Grandpa?  When is Grandma and Grandpa coming to visit?  Signing up for any program or intervention and then canceling is non-productive for you as well as the therapist/program on the other end.  Sign-up for days/times that you are pretty sure you will be FREE.  Does this mean no Monday or Friday programming for you? Does this mean nothing before 11am?  The flexibility of your child’s schedule is paramount in planning for Summer programming.

Question #3: What’s the budget?  We all know price is a big factor in any and all Summer programming.  How much is the ultimate limit? Would your money be better spent on one Summer program or spread out among a few?  What funding opportunities exist for your child?  Is a Summer program ‘gift worthy’ – meaning is it worth the time to suggest a family member(s) give the Summer program to your child as an early birthday or holiday gift? Staying in your budget is just as important during the Summer as it is any time of the year.

Summer programming is up to you and your child.  You hold the answer that is right for your child and your situation.  We know you’ll make the right decision!


Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.