Trick or Treat! The three most important words in October! When a child experiences a language deficit, creating an environment where there is no pressure of saying ‘Trick or Treat’ is by far the most important part of Halloween!
While practicing saying those magical words is one way to prepare for the big night, there are other options that might be considered.
Make the words “Trick or Treat” part of the child’s costume. If your child is:
- a superhero: make a ‘speech bubble’ with the words “Trick or Treat” (like in the cartoons) and attached it to the child’s costume.
- a cowgirl or cowboy: attach a sign that says “Trick or Treat” on the hat or lasso
- a robot: make “Trick or Treat” part of the ‘read-out tape’ or monitor (on the child’s tummy) of the robot
Print the words on the palm of white gloves and not only are your child’s hands toasty but they can effectively communicate.
These examples are just the start of the imaginative ways you can design to help a child with a language deficit focus less on the stress of ‘talking on the spot’ and more on effectively communicating.
Yours in Speech,
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC